Click this check box to show the timer window. Click this check box to hide the timer window. (The timer will still count down, though!) This field is currently unavailable because the "Pause when saver on" option is not turned on. Specify the interval (in seconds) at which the program will check for a screen saver here. Click this check box to cause the screen to remain visible during your break. Click this check box to cause the screen to blank during your break. Click this check box to cause the work timer to pause when your screen saver turns on. Click this check box to prevent the work timer from pausing when your screen saver turns on. This option is currently unavailable because you do not have a compatible screen saver installed. (See the on-line help.) Click this check box to allow your built-in screen saver to activate during a break. Click this check box to prevent your built-in screen saver from activating during a break. Click this check box for more restrictions (see the on-line help). Click this check box for fewer restrictions (see the on-line help). Note: this option will not actually turn off until the end of your next break. Click this check box to tell Coffee Break to bring the Finder to the front at launch time. Click this check box to tell Coffee Break not to bring the Finder to the front at launch time. Click this check box to turn the beep sounds at the end of your break on. Click this check box to turn the beep sounds at the end of your break off.